[extropy-chat] Eminent Mike's domain
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 27 23:55:56 UTC 2005
Thanks everybody for the support. One of the things I didn't get to
mention, as I was cut off, was that we've found some curious
information in our research on these two properties: both were assessed
by the same private firm, despite being half a state away from each
other, and both were undervalued by 50% or more... we are investigating
other high officials property assessments to see if there is a
pattern... as Drudge says, "developing..."
There was an article on the Breyer story last night on Free Market News
Network, and a local paper, the Valley News, interviewed me this
--- Al Brooks <kerry_prez at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I'm not going to make fun of Mike, I wish I had the intestinal
> fortitude to take on scotus justices. I'm too afraid of government
> officials because one of them gets together with one of his
> connections and says, "take care of this pissant who is bothering us
> in court, will ya? Dig up some dirt on him, will ya? T'anks" You need
> pull to go after someone in the government.
> As long as due process is being pursued, no outright threats or
> extortion, then this is harmless at worst.
> To hear what Mike had to say, so you can suitably make fun of him,
> see
> RealPlayer: http://www.nhpr.org/audio/audio/ex-2005-07-27.ram
> Windows Media: http://www.nhpr.org/audio/audio/ex-2005-07-27.wax
> -- David Lubkin.
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Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
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