[extropy-chat] the terrifying superscience of the year 2,000!
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 2 01:18:17 UTC 2005
Ah, I understand now: he is the man of steel. The helical yellow band
is clearly, therefore, a material stronger than steel, either kevlar,
or perhaps buckyfiber, which is deployed by a motorized vortex
generator to wrap around the man of steel and bind him like a lariat,
helpless.... mwahahahahaha..... now where is my DAMN aircar, the script
quite clearly calls for an aircar in the year 2000, I'm calling my
agent, dammit!!!
--- Damien Broderick <thespike at satx.rr.com> wrote:
> http://www.ufopop.org/fullimage.php?cid=1950/Superman128.jpg
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Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
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