[extropy-chat] Spanish scientists cure terminal liver cancer
Giu1i0 Pri5c0
pgptag at gmail.com
Thu Jun 2 14:59:35 UTC 2005
Spain Herald <http://www.spainherald.com/2005-05-31news.html>: Spanish
researchers led by professor Antonio Bru, of the applied mathematics
department at the Complutense university in Madrid, succeeded in curing a
patient in the terminal phase of liver cancer through strengthening the
patient's immune system. Bru stated that this form of therapy "opens very
hopeful horizons" against all kinds of solid tumors within a short time, as
according to his theory they all have a common pattern. The therapy,
published today in the Journal of Clinical Research, is the result of twelve
years of research. A mathematical solution to liver cancer was considered,
equations were analyzed, and experiments on animals were performed. In 1998
a new theory was proposed, according to which solid tumors develop according
to a mathematical equation, said the Complutense. Therapy was applied to a
terminal patient, given two months to live, with liver cancer, hepatitis C,
and cirrhosis. The treatment consisted of bone marrow stimulation and the
generation of large amounts of neutrophiles, a kind of leucocyte that
impedes tumor development. According to the Complutense, the liver cancer
remitted and the patient was able to return to work as a high school teacher
within months, suffering only mild side effects. Besides Bru, Sonia Albertos
of the San Carlos clinical hospital and Fernando Garcia-Hoz of the Ramon y
Cajal hospital in Madrid participated in the research. The treatment took
place at the Clinica de Valle in Madrid.
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