[extropy-chat] Fighting Cancer with Math
Giu1i0 Pri5c0
pgptag at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 13:50:26 UTC 2005
This is also my understanding: timing drug release and othet
intervention of the basis of a mathematical model of the (supposedly
universal) dynamic law of the evolution of tumors. I found this very
interesting because I had often thought similar things.
In passing: I am sure *many* have thought similar things at some or
some other moment, but this does not decrease the unique merit of the
one guy (Prof. Bru) who decided to dedicate a large chunk of his life
to developing the idea.
Will it work? Only time and experiment will tell. But the idea is interesting.
On 6/3/05, scerir <scerir at libero.it> wrote:
> Samantha Atkins
> > Was this article translated from another language?
> full paper here (I did not read it)
> http://www.aecientificos.es/empresas/aecientificos/documentos/BiophysicalJou
> rnal.pdf
> as far as I know Volterra-Lotka integrodifferential
> equations can - in principle - provide the general
> behaviour. At least they can provide the best
> *timing* for treatments, rays, chemio, etc.
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