[extropy-chat] Abortion (was: Famous author self destructs in public!Filmateleven.
mbb386 at main.nc.us
Mon Jun 6 21:32:32 UTC 2005
On Mon, 6 Jun 2005, Mike Lorrey wrote:
> Considering that men
> are already convicted of murder and other homicide charges if they
> cause a woman to abort without her permission, it is quite clear that
> the men are being held to a far higher responsibility standard, and
> always have, than the women.
IMHO this convicting of murder etc. for causing a woman to abort (I
presume you're speaking of things like beatings or shootings, where
there is miscarriage as a side effect?) is wrong. We have laws
against assault and the injuries are, I suspect, taken into account
when punishment is decided.
> If a fetus can survive outside the womb at 6 months (and many thousands
> do every day in this country), then third trimester abortion should be
> murder. Even Roe v. Wade agrees with me on this point, so if anybody is
> being extremist and hyperbolic, it is you, Samantha, and company, not
> me.
To be honest, I've never met any woman who wanted or had a third
trimester abortion. My understanding is this would only be in case of
severe health threat, and those things do happen. The women I know who
have had abortions have tried to do so ASAP, not waiting around and
wondering about it - the decision was clear and immediate action was
taken. I have yet to meet any who had regret either. One does what one
needs to do. (My sample space is small.)
> No, I've not had any religious epiphanies of any sort, as much as you'd
> like there to be one.
Like there to be one? No, only trying to understand why you feel as
you do. Trying to imagine what might make *me* feel that way.
> Your opinion isn't on issues like this are NOT the default opinions for
> libertarians. ANY time there is an issue of one persons rights versus
> anothers, libertarians should be very circumspect to examine all sides
> and seek to resolve conflicts, not just side orthodoxically with one
> party in the conflict.
When did I say they were default libertarian opinions? Circumspect?
That would be nice. I don't see it here.
> > If Mr. Lorrey's attitude and words are representative of The Free
> > State, I'm *awfully* glad I and my family didn't commit to moving
> > there.
> That is a cheap shot.
It was. And it has come up as a first gut response throughout many of
the threads you've posted to lately. If I look at the posts and the
threads, and take them as they come through to me ("tone" filtered by
email) then the FS will be an authoritarian and unwelcoming place.
Surely that is not correct?
> BTW: How is the Christian Exodus going down your way?
Where? What Exodus? In my dreams :)
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