[extropy-chat] fanatic anxietist
The Avantguardian
avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 8 05:11:04 UTC 2005
--- spike <spike66 at comcast.net> wrote:
> Some yahoo tied up traffic for hours in LA this
> morning
> by leading the cops on a OJ-esque low speed car
> chase
> and holding a gun to his own head. They had to
> close
> Interstate 10, a main artery. The economic damage
> done
> by this stunt is difficult to even estimate.
> We know of the big-time terrorists, Bin Ladin, Tim
> McVeigh
> et.al. Do let us hope the terrorists never realize
> that
> they could tone down the attacks and compensate with
> larger numbers. They could do things that don't
> slay
> or injure anyone, or even cause actual property
> damage,
> but rather merely block traffic, reducing the
> productivity
> of a society. They could feign remorse over a lost
> lover,
> for instance and the courts would almost hafta just
> let them
> go, temporary insanity.
> If newspeak for "terror" is "double plus fear," then
> they would go for double minus fear. They would
> need
> to come up with a name other than terrorist.
> Anxietist?
> Inconveniencist? Oy.
Actually if my interpretation of certain clauses in
the USA Patriot Act is correct then whistle blowers,
hackers, and others who impede commerce in some
fashion can now be classified as terrorists. So yes,
if the feds wanted to push it, that guy could be
called a terrorist.
The Avantguardian
Stuart LaForge
alt email: stuart"AT"ucla.edu
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