[extropy-chat] Current Problems With WTA and TV05
Natasha Vita-More
natasha at natasha.cc
Thu Jun 9 01:56:50 UTC 2005
Friends - transhumanists and other futurists,
Many of us are members of WTA and care about its success. While we have
not always had smooth sailing with WTA due to the lack of credit given to
transhumanism's philosophical author Max More, the erroneous political
positioning ExI, and the lack of acknowledgement and respect of ExI as
being the spearheading transhumanist organization who introduced
transhumanism to the world; putting all this aside, we need to be
supportive for a positive resolve to the current problems within the
structure of WTA.
WTA has made beneficial contributions to transhumanism over the past
years. James Hughes has worked hard along with Nick Bostrom and other
Directors of WTA. Our goals for the future need the support and joint
efforts of organizations such as WTA. It has always been my hope that WTA
would be a complimentary and collaborative organization of ExI and that we
could work together to create the future. I still hold onto this
hope. It is also my hope that we can develop a game plan where all
transhumanist organizations have a place and that we get smart about
working together more efficiently, effectively and successfully. As such,
the stakes are high and so are the returns.
Today, WTA is undergoing difficulties between some of its Board members
which affects the upcoming TV05 conference in Venezuela. The dispute is
between the conference Chair Jose Cordeiro and WTA's Executive Director
James Hughes.
Rather than fuel the fire of this current problem, let us try to encourage
peace between them and a fair and equitable resolution to the problems.
If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to discussion them
openly or privately, but please let us work toward resolution and do our
very best to set an example of how society, in all its differences, can
manage to be iron out the kinks.
Our little corner of the world is a nano-scale society full of people with
similar values and dreams about a future that we can thrive in. If we
cannot resolve our conflicts here, how can we expect to set an example and
teach the rest of the world about a future full of potential for humanity
and transhumanity.
Let's give our support to TV05 and BE THERE to move transhumanism forward
into the future.
My best to all,
Natasha Vita-More
President, Extropy Institute http://www.extropy.org
Founder, Transhumanist Arts & Culture http://www.transhumanist.biz
Knowledge is the most democratic source of power. Alvin Toffler
Random acts of kindness..." Anne Herbet
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