[extropy-chat] Re: what to do (Robin Hanson)
mike99 at lascruces.com
Sat Jun 11 22:10:26 UTC 2005
My first thought had been to offer you a rank-ordering of your potential
projects according to my own interest in them. But I decided that such an
offering was not worth much.
So I recommend that you take Giulio's suggestion:
"...perhaps the best choice is 5. No subject book -
just start writing and see what the book turns out to be about. In the
no subject book you could touch all these things, and separate
chapters can later spawn new books."
I like this idea because, at the worst, you will have several chapters on
disparate topics that could serve as beginning drafts for several books. At
best, you may have something not unlike the current best-seller by Steven
Levy FREAKONOMICS, which I'm finding quite fascinating.
Best wishes on whatever you decide to do.
Michael LaTorra
mike99 at lascruces.com
mlatorra at nmsu.edu
"For any man to abdicate an interest in science is to walk with open eyes
towards slavery."
-- Jacob Bronowski
"Experiences only look special from the inside of the system."
-- Eugen Leitl
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