[extropy-chat] Death

Dirk Bruere dirk at neopax.com
Tue Jun 14 21:32:36 UTC 2005

Samantha Atkins wrote:

> Some of you know that I have been caregiver to my long term friend  
> and roommate Michael who was terminally ill.  This morning he died.   
> I refuse to use the euphemisms like "he passed on" or "made his  
> transition" or any other such well-meaning clap-trap that seems so  
> goddamned empty right now.  One moment he was there, working so hard  
> simply to breathe, the next minute he wasn't and the long struggle  
> was over.  A moment before he answered some meaningless question I  
> asked.  A moment later - nothing.
> You know I have believed a lot of spiritual teachings in my life.  I  
> have experienced many things I can't easily explain away from the  
> materialistic scientific side.  Most of the beliefs I got over.  But  
> I still thought I would feel something, experience something when  
> Michael died - some touch of his "essence" saying goodbye,  
> something.  For what little that seems worth right now I always felt  
> most "psychically linked" to Michael.  We were very close.  I almost  
> married the guy twice.  But I felt nothing.  No jolt of energy in his  
> body at the end, nothing - nothing in the hours since, excepting  
> waves of grief and sadness alternating with feeling numb.  It was  
> like a switch simply turned off.
> Don't mind me.  I will be ok.  I am sorry to lay this out there as I  
> know many may be uncomfortable or feel I am laying something too  
> personal on their heads unfairly.  I am simply processing.  I have no  
> idea if it is right or wrong to write this or post it.  I don't  
> really care.  For a while now I will simply do what I do.
Death is something only the living experience.


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