[extropy-chat] Death
Giu1i0 Pri5c0
pgptag at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 07:07:08 UTC 2005
Dear Samantha,
I am so sorry.
Most of us have seen loved ones die and know the horrible grief that
you must be feeling.
We are working together to make death a thing of the past. Someone
does more, someone does less or different, but everyone does
something. Death will be defeated. Of course there will be other
problems, people will still feel unhappy for things, and the
tragedy/comedy of life will go on.
In your own words; "Ability to travel to any point in the past, plus a
(relatively) mundane ability to scan DNA and minds leads directly to
such relative trivialities as plausible resurrection". Cling to this.
Perhaps *you* will be there to make it happen for Michael. You felt
nothing *exceptional* at the moment of Michael's death. Well probably
you don't feel TV stations directly with your brain either. Doesn't
mean they are not broadcasting all around you.
On 6/14/05, Samantha Atkins <sjatkins at mac.com> wrote:
> Some of you know that I have been caregiver to my long term friend
> and roommate Michael who was terminally ill. This morning he died.
> I refuse to use the euphemisms like "he passed on" or "made his
> transition" or any other such well-meaning clap-trap that seems so
> goddamned empty right now. One moment he was there, working so hard
> simply to breathe, the next minute he wasn't and the long struggle
> was over. A moment before he answered some meaningless question I
> asked. A moment later - nothing.
> You know I have believed a lot of spiritual teachings in my life. I
> have experienced many things I can't easily explain away from the
> materialistic scientific side. Most of the beliefs I got over. But
> I still thought I would feel something, experience something when
> Michael died - some touch of his "essence" saying goodbye,
> something. For what little that seems worth right now I always felt
> most "psychically linked" to Michael. We were very close. I almost
> married the guy twice. But I felt nothing. No jolt of energy in his
> body at the end, nothing - nothing in the hours since, excepting
> waves of grief and sadness alternating with feeling numb. It was
> like a switch simply turned off.
> Don't mind me. I will be ok. I am sorry to lay this out there as I
> know many may be uncomfortable or feel I am laying something too
> personal on their heads unfairly. I am simply processing. I have no
> idea if it is right or wrong to write this or post it. I don't
> really care. For a while now I will simply do what I do.
> - samantha
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