[extropy-chat] Physicians and Spirituality
Diego Caleiro
diegocaleiro at terra.com.br
Thu Jun 23 01:59:02 UTC 2005
This correlation is also true for any more technical and a more thinking
the big problem of evolution is that when it has integrated the naturalistic,
phisical and social modules of our mind in an integrated modular
intelligence, this has not only made us more likely to think about how the
world works (Science) and interesting ways to deal with objects (art) but
also gave us the bias to beleive in meanings more that we beleive in the
things they mean.
When you want to discuss what is history, god, os psychoanalisys, it feels
like the word is a thing itself. Entities appear, religions, and then,
finally, suffering.
May the end of the old mind be with you.
Diego Caleiro
Em Quarta 22 Junho 2005 22:46, Olga Bourlin escreveu:
> "A survey examining religion in medicine found that most U.S. doctors
> believe in God and an afterlife - a surprising degree of spirituality in a
> science-based field, researchers say.":
> http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/apscience_story.asp?category=1500&sl
> Having known several physicians in my life has led me to the conclusion
> that many physicians (and nurses, too - from what my daughter, an R.N., has
> told me) are generally not deep thinkers, but more like technicians.
> Please observe I said "many" - certainly not all.
> I can't help it - I've tried to explain this to myself in many ways, but I
> still find this situation somewhat depressing.
> Olga
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