[extropy-chat] RE: Physicians and Spirituality
Henrik Öhrström
henrik.ohrstrom at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 11:41:12 UTC 2005
You won't ever do a proper job if you belive that someone else is going to
cover your mistakes.
I prefere someone who do not belive that a dead patient (might be me) have
gone to a better place.
Nonbelivers make better Gods, when did you last get to see the design specs
for any God?
Sloppy work, no quality control.
Version: 3.1
GMD d- s+: a C++ UL P L+ E- W+@ N+ o K+ w O- M V- PS++ PE+ Y++ PGP++ !t !5
X- R+ tv- b+++ DI++ D+ G e+++ h---- r+++ y+
> Think of it this way. How can a physician play God
> with your life if he doesn't believe in God? ;)
> The Avantguardian
> is
> Stuart LaForge
> alt email: stuart"AT"ucla.edu
> "The surest sign of intelligent life in the universe is that they
> haven't attempted to contact us."
> -Bill Watterson
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