[extropy-chat] RadioCandela - my baby step toward the transparent society...
emlynoregan at gmail.com
Mon Jun 27 02:23:15 UTC 2005
Hi all,
I started something a bit weird on the weekend, and I think people
here might get something out of it.
blog: http://RadioCandela.blogspot.com
podcast: http://feeds.feedburner.com/RadioCandela
I've started a podcast audio documentary (cringe word:
"podcastumentary") of my band, Candela (the band is myself and my
wife, Jodie). We've got our first half hour gig in a couple of weeks,
all originals, and we've got a bit of a cram ahead to get enough
polished material together. The podcast is of our rehearsals, because
I thought people might be interested to hear what actually goes on
behind the scenes in this kind of endeavour. I have tried to abridge
the recordings but not sanitize them, so a lot of this stuff makes me
cringe, but it should make you laugh.
I'm hoping that at least a few of the old timers here who know or know
of my music, and perhaps also people who have some experience of
podcasts already, might have a listen and give me some feedback.
I'm actually using this as a proof of concept for a bigger
podcastumentary on a larger scale show that I'm going to be helping to
produce, and will be performing in, for the Adelaide Fringe Festival
(www.adelaidefringe.com.au). That'll follow our whole process for 6
months plus, including all the initial planning right through to final
rehearsals, if I get my way :-) . So any feedback I can get now, from
technical matters to content criticism would be invaluable.
btw, for more info on podcasts and for client software, go here:
http://ipodder.sourceforge.net . Note that podcasts are not just for
ipod owners; they are just the audio version of a newsfeed (most
commonly using .mp3s). The really cool thing about them is that you
can subscribe to a podcast and have the latest episodes download
automagically (using built in BitTorrent tech) as they become
available, so you can just listen to them (on a pc, an ipod, or
whatever), without needing to concern yourself about checking
websites, performing manual downloads, etc etc.
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