[extropy-chat] The Penrose Conjecture, was Re: A Quantum Computer...
scerir at libero.it
Tue Jun 28 15:00:21 UTC 2005
From: "Jeff Davis"
> [...] the idea of some kind of quantum coherence thing
> slash entanglement thing slash other weird quantum thing
> taking place in the vicinity of the actin filaments
> and/or microtubules?
There is a journal here http://www.mindmatter.de/
and there are also many papers (pdf) here
See also many papers by Harald Atmanspacher
here http://www.igpp.de/english/tda/info.htm#pub
The first side of the coin says that QT is the kingdom
of (irreducible) randomness. The other side of the coin
says that 'properties' (observables) of quantum objects
(atoms, molecules) can be correlated more strongly
than in classical physics.
In principle it is possible to entangle 'properties'
(such as energies and 'proper' times) of many qudits.
(A qudit is a D-dimensional quantum system whose
Hilbert space is spanned by discrete states |0>, |1>,...
..., |D-1>). But I do not think that entanglement
is relevant here (brain), and I do not think
that the brain is a huge collection of qudits.
(Khrennikov, and others, suggest that in the brain,
and also in the society, if not in economy, there are
interference of probabilities, quantum-like. This
is a different approach. The role of decoherence
in the - supposed quantum - brain is another approach,
similar to Penrose's ideas.)
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