[extropy-chat] Re: Iraq and Legality Again
The Avantguardian
avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 28 21:33:58 UTC 2005
--- Dirk Bruere <dirk at neopax.com> wrote:
> It would make any future president think twice about
> invading anyone
> they don't like.
> One consequence of Bush's action is that any nation
> that does *not* want
> to be invaded better have WMDs.
> A fact not lost on the Iranians.
That was a given BEFORE we invaded Iraq. Reference
Pakistan, India, and North Korea. Hell if I had my own
little banana republic somewhere, I would have been
trying to get nukes too. Not because of the U.S. but
because of the U.N. I noticed back when I was kid that
the U.N. takes countries with nukes more seriously
than those without. Wanna sit with the big boys at the
U.N. meetings? Get some nukes. It's been like that
since the 60's at least.
> It's the wrong war for the wrong reasons and every
> day makes the world
> an unsafer place.
Unsafer? How? What are you so afraid of? The
Americans or the terrorists? Are you suddenly of a
mind to start appeasing anyone willing plant a car
bomb? Or do you actually believe that the Bush-Reich
will be invading the U.K. next?
You really think that an immediate U.S. pullout
of Iraq and the ensuing four-faction civil war
(interim government vs. Baathists vs. Islamic fundies
vs. Kurds) there would be better for the world? Or do
think that the resulting blood bath be a small price
for humanity to pay so that we insufferable Americans
get what we deserve?
> >
> Democracy is cannot be imposed against the will of
> the people.
How can we be sure they want it or not when there
isn't even a word for democracy their language? The
only way to find out is to let them test drive it for
a little while and see if they like it better than
they were used to. If they really don't want it, they
can go back to killing one another.
> >
> I would say that the insurgents know full well what
> they are getting
> into and have a far greater stake in the war than
> any US marine.
Oh yeah. After the marines leave, they can go back
gassing the kurds, strong arming the people, and
building palaces for themselves. Yeah you're right
they do have a pretty big stake in this war.
> What you wrote there are the ravings of a
> brainwashed ignoramus.
Ok. I guess that using a few historical facts about
Muslim war-tactics dating back to the Crusades and my
imagination to profile a modern-day Al-Quaeda
recruitment scenario is definately evidence of
brain-washing and ignorance.
> All opinion polls taken so far show the majority of
> Iraqis want the US
> to leave.
If that is truly the case then I would not be against
the U.S. leaving. Despite the tremendous loss of
credibility and near disasterous consequences it would
have for the United States economically and
politically, if the MAJORITY of Iraqis want us to
leave, then I would say "withdraw". The U.S. would
survive and would recover economically in a few years.
I say we have gone out on a limb far enough to cast
pearls before swine.
> The Quisling government does not, for obvious
> reasons.
> And if that govt did call for the US to leave, and
> started to rescind
> all those copntracts which have effecively looted
> the country on behalf
> of the multinationals,
What multinationals do you mean? The French ones or
the German ones? Oh of course you mean the American
multinationals that rule the world from the smoky
Bilderberger boardrooms in Switzerland.
it would be replaced by the
> US on some trumped
> up charge.
So what is this really about, Dirk? Are you that
afraid of an American Empire? Or are you just upset
that the sun finally set on YOUR empire. It strikes me
as ironic that almost all of the countries that accuse
us of imperialism have all had empires of their own.
Let's see England? yup. France? yup. Germany? Well
they tried REAL hard so I will give them credit. But
if that's what you are worried about don't.
The very thought of an American Empire is
ludicrous. The United States doesn't need to take over
the world. The world immigrates to us. The United
States IS the world in a microcosm. In Los Angeles
alone there are more Mexicans than any city in the
world other than Mexico City, more Koreans than any
other city than Seoul, and more Iranians than any
other than Tehran. The Iranians here I talk to say we
should liberate Iran next. But you can't trust those
Iranian Americans to tell the truth because they are
stupid, brainwashed, greedy, arrogant, lazy Americans
like the rest of us. YeeeHaaww!
The Avantguardian
Stuart LaForge
alt email: stuart"AT"ucla.edu
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