[extropy-chat] rfid

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 3 07:15:21 UTC 2005

--- spike <spike66 at comcast.net> wrote:
> The sun is about 2E30 kg and there are a few hundred billion
> stars in the galaxy and few hundred billion galaxies in the
> known universe, so 2E52 to 1e53 kg and the universe is mostly
> hydrogen and 6e23 hydrogen atoms is about a gram so the
> visible universe is about 1e79 atoms, then you give
> an order of magnitude or so for dark matter,
> whatever that is and you get perhaps 1e80 atoms.  Still
> short of Mike's number by a factor of a quadrillion.

So what you are saying is that the big brother pricks implementing rfid
are VASTLY UNDERSTATING the extent of their ambitions.....

Mike Lorrey
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