[extropy-chat] Atheism in Decline

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 6 14:58:45 UTC 2005

--- Samantha Atkins <sjatkins at mac.com> wrote:
> The Nazis were not atheists.  Lysenkoism had nothing to do with 
> atheism.  Just because one does or does not believe in god is no
> proof  against still being all manner of damn idiot.

Now you are just being funny, or are you one of those people who insist
the USSR was a "state capitalism". Of course Lysenkoism was about
atheism, the intolerant atheism that involves faith in 'society' and
that the individual can be molded to the will of society. If you insist
that communism was a theism, then you must also admit that atheism is
as well.

Your last statement is quite fair, as I think I've been fair in
denouncing the militant intolerance of the scriptural literalists who
commit similar crimes of intolerance, but we weren't talking about them
just now. Deflection isn't a valid excuse.

Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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