[extropy-chat] unidirectional thrust

spike spike66 at comcast.net
Tue Mar 15 04:43:13 UTC 2005

> bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of Damien Broderick
> Every time metal starts spinning when you switch an electromagnet on and
> off, you are making something move that was stationary. I assume the equal
> and opposite force goes into the magnet which is bolted to the floor and
> hence doesn't move because the entire earth takes up the impact. (I do
> realize this is physics 001 territory.) For the same reason, I assume
> nobody would wish to be cushioning a rail gun against his shoulder when he
> switches it on. Or am I missing something elementary here?
> Damien Broderick [still not a physicist]

The earth moves back the other way.  Not very much of
course, being as it is 6E24 kg, but it reacts the same
way any mass would.  Momentum is conserved.  


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