[extropy-chat] unidirectional thrust

scerir scerir at libero.it
Thu Mar 17 10:04:40 UTC 2005

From: "The Avantguardian"

> Isn't Scerir a physicist?

No, he *was* a *mundane* semi-physicist.
His opinion is that the physics of those
"lifters" is unknown (if there is a real
physical effect, in the void!). So it is
difficult to make arguments about unknown
physics. The nature of conservation
principles is essentially logical, and
then also experimental, of course. But,
as Bohr pointed out many times, conservation
is not a dogma. Should I say here that in
physics there are, in example, and unfortunately,
nonlocal "vector potentials"? And "Aharonov-Bohm" 
effects? Should I say there are HUPs and measurements?
And even cosmological "fluctuations"?
- E.P. Tryon, Is the Universe a Vacuum Fluctuation?,
  Nature, 246 (1973) 396
- E.P. Tryon, What Made the World?, New Scientist, 
  101 (March 1984) 14
- A. Brout et al., The Creation of the Universe as
  a Quantum Phenomenon, Annals of Physics, 115
  (1978) 78
- D. Atzkin, H. Pagels, Origin of the Universe as a
  Quantum Tunnelling Event, Physical Review, D, 25
  (1982) 2065
- A. Vilenkin, Creation of Universes from Nothing, 
  Physics Letters, 117-B (1982) 25
- E. Farhi, A. Guth, An Obstacle to Creating a Universe
  in the Laboratory, Physics Letters, 183-B (1987)

[According to Einstein (1947), and then Wheeler,
the reason why there is not a Machian physics
is that in modern gravitation theory there are
masses *and* fields. Sometimes there are just
fields, no masses. And it is difficult to build
a truly Machian gravitation theory with *fields*.
Fields are abstract "objects". This is the so 
called Mach-12 interpretation of the "Mach 

About those "lifters" or rotating capacitors.
Let us try to use them to get some *heat*.
This is the only way to know if they are
over-unity machines :-)


"Now, there isn't really a story to tell 
about what the total energy in individual universes 
is during that whole process. Because the universes 
are not autonomous during it. But one thing's for sure, 
there is no way of construing it so that the energy 
in each particular universe is conserved, 
for the simple reason that the whole system 
starts out the same on each run of the experiment 
(before the non-sharp state is created), 
and ends up different".
- David Deutsch

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