[extropy-chat] Thoughts on Schiavo

Joseph Bloch jbloch at humanenhancement.com
Sun Mar 27 03:57:10 UTC 2005

So you're in favor of government intervention in this case?


Enhance your body "beyond well" and your mind "beyond normal":

New Jersey Transhumanist Association:

PostHumanity Rising:

Mike Lorrey wrote:

>--- Samantha Atkins <sjatkins at mac.com> wrote:
>>On Mar 26, 2005, at 6:00 AM, Mike Lorrey wrote:
>>>Lets make one thing perfectly clear: Terri Schiavo's responsiveness
>>>no less than the responsiveness of Stephen Hawking. Stephen just
>>has a
>>>lot of high tech gizmos he's had years to learn to use to make
>>>useful in the world. Terri has been denied the same opportunities
>>>her husband and remains in a condition that Stephen would be in
>>>given a similar level of neglect.
>>This is the most empty and baseless assertion i believe I have ever 
>>seen from you.  Comparing one of the finest minds of our age to a
>>who by every test we can administer is mentally unfortunately little 
>>more than a vegetable shows a patent disregard of reality.    Why are
>>you just looking at the outside an ignoring everything we know and
>What is empty and baseless is the assertion that Terri is brain dead,
>in a coma, or a vegetable, all characterizations only of her husbands
>lawyers and their hand picked and paid expert medical witnesses (who
>will say whatever you want for the right fee).
>There HAS BEEN NO TESTING of Terri's mental capacity. A fellow who has
>the technology to test not only her mental capacity but whether she
>wants to live or not is currently under legal consideration, and the
>judge is ticked that nobody told him about this before.
>Mike Lorrey
>Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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