[extropy-chat] Pearson: Conventional telecoms is obsolete

Giu1i0 Pri5c0 pgptag at gmail.com
Tue May 24 14:04:35 UTC 2005

Conventional telecoms is
Pearson said the next global IT buzzword would be NBIC
(nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive 
science) convergence, which essentially means ICT will be seamlessly 
integrated into everything around us.
Outlining the future, Pearson said the next age would be the world of 
ambient intelligence, after which we would enter an age of
before 2025, people would be able to feel as if they are in someone's 
office, feel their handshake or feel their hug, from a distance, and 
telecoms will have gone as far as it can, he said.
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