[extropy-chat] re: even if Arab poverty were terminated

Jack Parkinson isthatyoujack at icqmail.com
Fri Nov 11 14:05:26 UTC 2005

Al Brooks <kerry_prez at yahoo.com> said:
Subject: [extropy-chat] even if Arab poverty were terminated
To: extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org
Message-ID: <20051110194714.93152.qmail at web51605.mail.yahoo.com>

>If poverty were to be terminated in Arab nations, Arabs would still go to 
>war. The koran was >written in the 7th century, so for over 1,300 years 
>Arabs have beem reading advice such as to lie >in wait for infidels & jews 
>to ambush them at every opportunity. To attack the enemies of Islam is >an 
>unambiguous part of the radical Arab heritage, and though radical Arab 
>nationalists constitute >only a small fraction of Arabs, sympathy for 
>radicals is not inconsiderable.
>Of course ending poverty wouldn't hurt at all, but you can see in Western 
>nations that >fundamentalist xians and orthodox jews becoming wealthy does 
>not substantially alter their >extreme religious views.

I find the timescale quite interesting. Islam is in its 13th century. What 
was Christianity doing in that period? Militant crusades, repression with 
extreme violence and laying the groundwork for the inquisition.
Becoming wealthy does not alter the views of extreme pro-lifers now either.

Jack Parkinson

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