[extropy-chat] Seven cents an hour? (was: Riots in France)

John K Clark jonkc at att.net
Thu Nov 17 15:45:06 UTC 2005

Jack Parkinson <isthatyoujack at icqmail.com>

> Is their [Wal-Mart's] business model efficient or not?

The experiment to answer this question has been made under real world
conditions and the results are in  and they are unambiguous. Yes, we can now
say with a certainty equal to anything in science that Wal-Mart is more
efficient than any competitor they have met up to now.  You claim to have
ideas that are even more efficient than Wal-Mart, well that's marvelous; but
don't just yak about it on the Extropian list, prove your ideas are correct
by starting up a chain of Parkinson department stores (Park-Mart) and push
Wal-Mart into bankruptcy and become the richest man in the world.

>  Really?

Yes really.

   John K Clark

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