[extropy-chat] FWD (SK) Re: Prosperity is just around the corner...
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 3 22:32:28 UTC 2005
The error of Drums custom chart is he is plotting it as if the
Singularity is happening now. If he instead plotted the log chart so
that it went to 0.1 at the time of the Singularity, it would be more
valid (i.e. the last proper point in Kurzweil's chart should show the
present day as 20 years before the "now" of the chart).
--- "Terry W. Colvin" <fortean1 at mindspring.com> wrote:
> Forwarding from another list...
> Terry
> On 10/3/05, Dave Palmer wrote:
> > Kurzweil is another one of those smart but comically naive thinkers
> like
> > Stephen Wolfram who seemingly have no clue about the real world.
> There's been a graph circulating of Kurzweil's "trend towards the
> Singularity". It features a log-log graph of with a straight line
> through major events in human history converging on a few years in
> the
> future. One axis was "time between major events" and the other "time
> before present, with the events starting with "Life", then
> "Eukaryotic
> cells, multicellular organisms".
> Kevin Drum extends the graph here:
> http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/blogphotos/Blog_Kurzweil.gif
> and comments on the book at
> --
> James H.G. Redekop
> --
> "Only a zit on the wart on the heinie of progress." Copyright 1992,
> Frank Rice
> Terry W. Colvin, Sierra Vista, Arizona (USA) < fortean1 at
> mindspring.com >
> Alternate: < fortean1 at msn.com >
> Home Page: < http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/8958/index.html
> >
> Sites: * Fortean Times * Mystic's Haven * TLCB *
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Mike Lorrey
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