[extropy-chat] Extropy, Political Viewpoint and the Futureof ExI'sList
Max More
max at maxmore.com
Mon Oct 10 22:54:18 UTC 2005
Is the philosophy of extropy a political ideology?
Of course it isn't.
Of course it is.
The question isn't very helpful, being binary, demanding a yes-or-no answer.
In so far as an ideology is defined simply as
a collection of ideas, then extropy is an
ideology. (However, the term ideology is often
used to imply something more than thissomething more sinister.)
To say that extropy is a *political* ideology
stretches things a bit far. The Principles of
Extropy include some fairly general advocacy of
Open Society and Self-Direction. There is no
rules (blueprint) most appropriate to achieving
the ideal arrangement, nor instructions on How
society should work (or be arranged.) Nor does
it largely concerns itself with how to allocate
power and to what ends it should be used. It is
not a construct of political thought, often
defining political parties and their policy.
(All quotes from Wikipedia on political ideology.)
Saying that extropy is a *political* ideology is
rather like saying that Hinduism is a manual on
how to meditate. You *can* find that in there,
but its hardly a good characterization of the
whole. The philosophy of extropy is clearly *not*
a political ideology in the way that these are:
Marxism, socialism, liberalism, communitarian,
libertarianism, anarchism, social democracy,
mercantilism, communism, and fascism.
At 03:50 PM 10/10/2005, Dirk wrote:
>On 10/10/05,
><mailto:nvitamore at austin.rr.com>nvitamore at austin.rr.com
><<mailto:nvitamore at austin.rr.com>nvitamore at austin.rr.com > wrote:
> >To clarify my position at least...
> >I see politics as being the medium of interaction between people (or even
> >the higher animals).
>Yes, this is what politics means.
> >Political ideologies are different because they are essentially a sibling
> >religion in that they attempt to provide an all-encompassing worldview that
> >explains, predicts and controls (or tries to).
> >By this definition Extropy is a political ideology.
>"a political ideology is a certain ethical, set of ideals, principles,
>doctrines, myths or symbols of a social movement, institution, class, or
>Extropy - check
>large group that explain how society should work, and offer some political
>Extropy - check
>and cultural blueprint for a certain social order. A political ideology
>Extropy - check
>[It offers this as in the negative]
>largely concerns itself with how to allocate power and to what ends it
>should be used. It can be a construct of political thought, often defining
>Extropy - check
>[Extropy is implicitly interested in how power
>is allocated, and in acquiring it IMO. Don't
>tell me you will decline political power if offered or available.]
>political parties and their policy. The popularity of an ideology is in
>The only factor which Extropy (currently) lacks
>part due to the influence of moral entrepreneurs, who sometimes act in
>their own interests."
>Extropy - check
>Extropy is a philosophical viewpoint. Extropy does not have a political
>thought that evokes "extropy" in its true sense.
>And Buddhism is a philosophy and not a religion.
>extropy-chat mailing list
>extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org
Max More, Ph.D.
max at maxmore.com or more at extropy.org
Strategic Philosopher
Chairman, Extropy Institute. http://www.extropy.org <more at extropy.org>
Director of Content Solutions, ManyWorlds Inc.: http://www.manyworlds.com
--- Thought leadership in the innovation economy
m.more at manyworlds.com
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