[extropy-chat] transhumanlaw Colloquium in Florida
justin corwin
outlawpoet at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 17:51:45 UTC 2005
I don't remember this being mentioned on the list, there will be a
Colloquium in Florida by the same people who did that mock trial for
the life of an AI seeking an injunction against it's owning company,
who wanted to turn it off.
Our own Eliezer Yudkowsky will be presenting there, on December 10th.
Peter Voss, from my company will also be presenting, and Susan
Fonseca-Klein of Imminst will be representing the Respondent in a
Hearing of "on the Motion for Preliminary Injunction of BINA48 to
Prevent Discontinuation of Power and Functionality by Exabit
Corporation", which, needless to say, sounds cool.
We'll be having a Kifune this sunday also, where Peter will be
presenting a version of the talk he'll give there, on the moral and
legal implications of AI.
Martine Rothblatt is the primary sponsor and seeming organizer, you
might know her as one of the founders of Sirius Satellite Radio. She
has a history of interesting companies, like PanAmSat, and Worldspace.
I'm interested in what people think of 'conferences' like this, where
people are gathered, ostensibly, to answer a theoretical question, in
addition to the usual "get a lot of people in a building and make them
pay you to talk to each other" conference schtick.
I think it could be pretty interesting, in addition, it introduces an
organization which is new to me, the "Terasem Movement", which seems
to be focused on popularizing extending human life through speculative
ultratech, nano, uploading, etc. Does anyone additionally know who is
involved in this organization? Any body on here?
Justin Corwin
outlawpoet at hell.com
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