[extropy-chat] Re: A view of what politics is
Samantha Atkins
sjatkins at mac.com
Mon Oct 17 09:34:23 UTC 2005
On Oct 16, 2005, at 12:50 AM, Jack Parkinson wrote:
> On 10/15/05, Jack Parkinson <isthatyoujack at icqmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I posted this before - I still think the best definition of
>>>> politics
> is: The
>>>> relationships between groups! At any level - from office
>>>> factions to
>>>> negotiations between superpowers. Politics is only incidentally
>>>> social
>>>> decision making. It is wholly about interacting communities.
>>> ### Is buying T-shirts from China a form of politics?
>>> No! Unless you are doing this as an expression of group values
>>> concerning Chinese group values...
>> ### Now it is getting more complicated - so politics is not merely
>> "relationships between >groups" but rather "relationships between
>> groups
>> expressing group values". And what >are "group values"? It's getting
>> positively baroque.
> We are discussing the meaning of politics - not the meaning of
> groups. A
> group has some points of congruence and some disconnectedness.
> Politics is
> how these opposing points develop.
You used "groups" in your purported meaning so you have to say what
you mean by the term.
> ---------------------------------------
>>>> Is imprisoning an individual dissenter not a form of politics?
>>> Yes! The group expresses it's disapproval of dissent - by sanctions
> against representatives of groups that oppose it...
>> ### Oh, our dissenter has not joined a group. Is he a group all by
>> himself?
> Lone dissenters are NEVER 'political' - they are rugged
> individualists,
> deviants, and/or eccentrics until such time as they represent a
> group. If
Oh my. So you reject individualism, individual rights, natural
rights and so on in a single blow. Disagree with the group and be
labeled a deviant! <rude noise>
> they are really unlucky they are criminals to boot! But they are not
> politicians until they can claim to represent a constituency...
So politics is only what politicians do? How do you connect politics
to ethics if you do away with the relevance of individuals?
- samantha
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