[extropy-chat] Recipe for Destruction
Lifespan Pharma Inc.
megao at sasktel.net
Tue Oct 18 23:26:38 UTC 2005
Brian Atkins wrote:
> Samantha Atkins wrote:
>> I doubt very seriously that we are worried about a mere flu in 2015.
> He isn't. He's worried about something much worse. Which again is why
> he's making the two-pronged noises.
Then the Manhatten Project if there is to one should be to connect the
minds of all humans so that the
underlying causes of sociopathic violence evaporate.
It does not matter if it is biowarfare on persons or material
destruction of future marvels such as a space elevator
in large it roots back to social unrest.
Restrictive laws, denial of access to knowledge, oppressive
bureaucracies and repressive economic systems all contribute at one time
or another to social unrest. Weird holy men are a miniscule group and
hardly up to personally terrorizing the world.
The Mayor of Vancouver BC said a few days ago that it is the causes of
drug use, not the hunting down of providers
of illegal things that should be the focus. The media pointed out via
story content that it was a radical view that was not ready for public
The 300 plus billion spent in Iraq and Afganistan it has been pointed
out could have been evenly and carefully distributed
to end some of the root causes of unrest. But there is no money in
giving things to people who will not generate a pay-back for a
generation or so.... or is there...... less resources required for
global security ( wind it down instead of up)
To compete with the money machine of military action and universal
security measures the the alternatives must create
measureable paybacks.
If we want the singularity to be of any value the fabric of society must
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