[extropy-chat] Halliburton gets Katrina Contract
kevin at kevinfreels.com
Sat Sep 3 18:18:47 UTC 2005
Um. Didn't I just make that same remark - but with sarcasm? These kinds of
things need immediate work, not a months lonog bid process. There has been
no end run around the free market. It is there. Just start your own company,
do a better job quicker and do it for less and I am sure you will get all
the business. :-)
----- Original Message -----
From: "The Avantguardian" <avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com>
To: "ExI chat list" <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2005 2:58 AM
Subject: Re: [extropy-chat] Halliburton gets Katrina Contract
> --- "J. Andrew Rogers" <andrew at ceruleansystems.com>
> wrote:
> > On 9/2/05 8:16 PM, "Olga Bourlin"
> > <fauxever at sprynet.com> wrote:
> > > Who would have thought? WHO would have thought?
> > ...
> >
> >
> > Well, duh. Who else could do it? This the kind of
> > thing they *specialize*
> > in. No matter what kind of contract Halliburton
> > gets, it MUST be a sinister
> > conspiracy of some type. It is written into their
> > corporate charter doncha
> > know.
> I think the lady's point is that Halliburton should
> not be (and probably isn't when I think about it) the
> ONLY company that can do it. There is this thing
> called monopoly that gums up the gears of a freemarket
> economy and I don't need my tin-foil hat to figure out
> that monopoly needs a collusion between the government
> and A COMPANY in order to prosper in a free market. I
> say put these kind of contracts up on BID. There are
> many construction contractors that are perfectly
> capable of building whatever you want them to build
> especially if they are not in a war-zone. What's next,
> is Halliburton gonna muscle in on the home-improvement
> market?
> The Avantguardian
> is
> Stuart LaForge
> alt email: stuart"AT"ucla.edu
> "The surest sign of intelligent life in the universe is that they haven't
attempted to contact us."
> -Bill Watterson
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