[extropy-chat] Re: Ethics and evolution

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 5 16:03:32 UTC 2005

--- Alfio Puglisi <puglisi at arcetri.astro.it> wrote:

> On Mon, 5 Sep 2005, Samantha Atkins wrote:
> >
> > The strength of your argument stands alone.  No further comment is
> needed.
> Actually, further comments are needed, because I often have the same 
> doubts as Bill. For example, how would cope someone with an IQ of 80
> or less and no education worth its name, when the available grunt
> are automated away, and his market value is less and less? How can he
> afford a private health insurance?
> Charitable organizations would probably exists in a libertarian 
> environment like they exist in the current, mostly socialist one, but
> relying on those for everything not profitable isn't a good strategy.

Actually, charitable organizations would be much larger, well funded,
and staffed by cheerful volunteer do-gooders who are much more
effective than career do-gooders who are more interested in their
public service jobs than the public.

> Pure libertarian free-market environments to my eyes resemble too
> much an evolution-like "survival of the fittest" game, where you'll
> do great if you are good (or better, if you have marketable
> skills/assets), and suffer a lot if you aren't.

And those who are properly compensated for their skills will have a lot
more disposable income with which to put toward truly charitable work
by groups that operate with volunteer staff. Charities typically spend
5-15% of their money on overhead, the rest going to the people who need
it. Welfare bureaucracies waste 40-45% of their money, at a minimum, on
civil servant positions that are wasteful, unnecessary make-work that
are claimed to be necessary to make sure that money isn't wasted or
defrauded. Wasting money to prevent waste?

A private person who keeps their income can do twice as much good
through private charities as through government welfare systems with
the same amount of money. Government creates poverty.

Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
Founder, Constitution Park Foundation:
Personal/political blog: http://intlib.blogspot.com

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