[extropy-chat] Re: Ethics and evolution

spike spike66 at comcast.net
Tue Sep 6 02:29:32 UTC 2005

> -----Original Message-----
> From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org [mailto:extropy-chat-
> bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of David Lubkin
> Gas prices have soared.
> The government response was (in part) to decry "price-gouging," and
> encourage people to report "artificially inflated" gas prices at
> http://gaswatch.energy.gov/ . -- David Lubkin.

Artificially inflated?  What is that, where prices are
raised by an AI?  I would argue:  these prices are
not artificially inflated.  The human who runs the
gas station did it.


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