[extropy-chat] The Hidden Luddite was Re: peak oil debate
Adrian Tymes
wingcat at pacbell.net
Wed Sep 7 23:32:59 UTC 2005
--- BillK <pharos at gmail.com> wrote:
> Are you and Adrian saying that businesses really do decide to harm
> people so they can make a profit??
Some less-ethical ones do. Not quite as many as certain genres of
fiction imply, but there are unquestionably examples of them out there.
> I thought this was the Libertarian market supporters club here. ;)
No, this is the Extropian discussion list. Many libertarian principles
are compatible with the Extropian ones, but they're far from identical.
> We'd better put a stop to this free market nonsense then! :)
Nah. No need to go to extremes in all cases.
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