[extropy-chat] The Hidden Luddite was Re: peak oil debate

Adrian Tymes wingcat at pacbell.net
Thu Sep 8 19:01:28 UTC 2005

--- Brett Paatsch <bpaatsch at bigpond.net.au> wrote:
> That seems like a reasonable example of a difference. Forced to
> choose
> between a libertarian mindset that would have no government at all on
> high principle and another mindset that would accept the need for a 
> government of some type, I'd tend to look at the second as being 
> more realistic in 2005.

I'm not sure it would be accurate to say that the libertarian mindset
would prefer no government at all - that is more strictly an anarchic
mindset.  But it is certainly the case that many (though not all)
libertarians would argue against regulating for (and thus, when
necessary, initiating force to compel) honest business practices, even
if this did in effect - albeit quite a few steps removed - cause
businesses to less often initiate force against people (because, in
part, honest businesses are less inclined and less able to do so).  An
extropian mindset, however, might advocate said regulations (and
enforcement of same) due to the eventual benefits (which, granted,
would inherently be spread around to everyone: everyone personally
benefits from not having force applied to them).

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