[extropy-chat] Extropy and libertarianism

Robert Lindauer robgobblin at aol.com
Fri Sep 9 21:36:02 UTC 2005

So what do you think of our resident Libertarian Party Chairman, then?


Damien Sullivan wrote:

>On Thu, Sep 08, 2005 at 08:50:57AM -1000, Robert Lindauer wrote:
>>Why?  Because the Libertarian Party (which, BTW, is not the only party 
>>that has as a primary ideal personal and economic freedom) has 
>>significantly failed at even showing a good faith effort at promoting 
>>those ideals within the government.  Instead it has become a repository 
>>for Reagan-style Randians interested only in reducing taxation for the 
>>rich while hawkishly protecting our foreign interests with imperialistic 
>This may be true of many people calling themselves l/Libertarian; the official
>positions of the LP are different, I think.  The Party had statements opposing
>the war on Iraq -- I checked, at a time when many net.libertarians were
>backing Bush to the hilt -- and the current platform, like all the other ones
>I've seen, calls for no intervention in other countries.  As well as no nukes
>and no immigration restrictions.
>-xx- Damien X-) 
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