[extropy-chat] National Sovereignty in a global village

Lifespan Pharma Inc. megao at sasktel.net
Sun Sep 11 16:52:59 UTC 2005

The term conspiracy has a broad stroke and use of that term reverts many 
things back to the
cold war days of the 1950-65 era when spying involving technology used 
in business
could land you in jail for 20-40 years for "benchmarking" another 
country's technology.

The global village does include afganis, arabs, indians , chinese, who 
do have
some pretty different ingrained world views.

Where does integration cause conflict, struggle and worse.
How can diversity and individual rights to worldviews become the
source of international conflict and what mechanisms can manage
to keep a global village from becoming a global blood bath or
in the below example a cross border "situation"?

One day it is cannabis, another it might be interspecies transfer of 
organ self-regenerative capacity from mice to
willing human subjects as a fee based commercial service. 

Managing  the products change is a mighty challenging task.

Just imaging as the singularity ramps up how different nation states 
with differing  economic , social, religeous
and political views  will
react to it as a prospect or to the actual thing.


AB: PUB LTE: Pot Heads More Dangerous Than Osama Bin Laden

URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v05/n1455/a07.html
Newshawk: Herb
Votes: 0
Pubdate: Fri, 09 Sep 2005
Source: Leduc Representative (CN AB)
Copyright: 2005 Leduc Representative
Contact: leducrep at ccinet.ab.ca
Website: http://www.leducrepresentative.com/
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/2265
Author: Russell Barth


Dear Editor:

U.S. officials had Canadian officers arrest internet marijuana seed 
dealer Marc Emery.

It seems clear the U.S. thinks Emery and his seeds are a much bigger 
threat to the status quo than, say, Osama Bin Laden.

While police in the U.K. are rounding up Pakistani-born bombing 
suspects, the U.S. is rounding up Canadian-born marijuana-law-reform 

When they searched the home and business of Mr. Emery, by the way, they 
failed to find any weapons of mass destruction, or Osama.

Does this mean the U.S. can also extradite Canadians for speaking out 
against the Bush Administration? Bush made it clear that 'You are either 
with us, or with the terrorists.'

Since most Canadians are against both, exactly what qualifies as being 
'criminal' in the eyes of the White House?

Can publicly disagreeing with certain U.S. laws and policies get 
Canadians sent to Gitmo?

Just how far does their Patriot Act reach, and why do their laws reach 
into our country? Should Canadians be more careful what we say on the 
phone, over the Internet, or too our friends in public?

Could we be extradited for things we have written or said publicly? 
Could having anti-U.S. thoughts be considered an 'act of terrorism?' How 
soon before the U.S. extradites Carolyn Parrish for her comments?

Will we see U.S. police or military personnel walking around Vancouver 
like they do in Iraq, searching for suspects ?

I have been an outspoken drug-law-reform activist who has publicly 
criticized the Bush administration, their illegal war, and their insane 
foreign polices.

Could I be extradited for that?

It looks like the time has finally come where we should just take down 
all the Canadian flags from courthouses and Parliament Hill and all 
government buildings, and put Old Glory up in its place.

If U.S. officials can just come to Canada and arrest people for 
something that may or may not even be a crime here, our sovereignty is 
now officially gone.

Russell Barth Federal Medical Marijuana License Holder

Educators For Sensible Drug Policy http://www.efsdp.org

Ottawa, Ont.
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