[extropy-chat] Extropy and libertarianism - a search fo rmeaning...
Robbie Lindauer
robgobblin at aol.com
Mon Sep 12 06:54:21 UTC 2005
The best thing about living in a fantasy world is that you get to make
things up as you go.
On Sep 11, 2005, at 2:12 PM, Mike Lorrey wrote:
> --- Giu1i0 Pri5c0 <pgptag at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Very interesting!
>> The immediate question that comes to my mind is that, suppose you and
>> I register a contract with ICA and accept that it will be regulated
>> by
>> the CEP, then we have a disagreement, resort to their arbitrations
>> services, and they decide that I have to pay you 1000 bucks, and I
>> don't want to pay, how do you get your money?
>> I just love the idea, but how does it work in practice???
> Either ICA pursues action against you on my behalf in whatever
> geographic jurisdiction they find you in, or else you get a black mark
> on your reputation, so that any other ICA signatory you seek to
> contract with would see that you are a bad actor, so you wind up
> imposing economic sanctions on yourself, at least with other ICA/CEP
> signatories.
> Granted in a world where there are few people who are CEP signatories,
> it doesn't mean much unless you are in a jurisdiction that recognises
> the CEP. Now, it helps immeasurably that the CEP is a significant
> simplification of the common law (yet more objective and fair than the
> UCC), so any common law nation should theoretically be able to
> interpret our contract and enforce it in a similar manner.
> Generally speaking, any nation with a UCC or similar recognition of
> contract law is going to regard the fact that you have a contract with
> me, that specifies ICA as our arbitrator, as legally binding you to pay
> me. If you refuse to pay a judgement, and I have to pursue legal action
> in whatever jurisdiction I find you in, most systems let me recover my
> costs from you when they decide that the judgement against you is good.
> As soon as they do so, I can take that judgement of the original
> judgement to whatever sheriff or other similar functionary wherever you
> are, and, given they are the chief enforcer of judgements for the
> courts in their jurisdiction, will find your assets, seize them, and
> auction them off unless you immediately pay me what you owe me. The
> sheriff can keep seizing your stuff until I get fully paid.
> Mike Lorrey
> Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
> Founder, Constitution Park Foundation:
> http://constitutionpark.blogspot.com
> Personal/political blog: http://intlib.blogspot.com
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