[extropy-chat] Re: wta-talk Digest, Vol 21, Issue 27

John B discwuzit at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 14 13:21:32 UTC 2005

Pardon the double post, but seemed most appropriate as
both ExI and WTA are being discussed.

> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 19:25:47 -0500
> From: Natasha Vita-More <natasha at natasha.cc>
> Subject: RE: [wta-talk] Re: "libertarian jerks"
> At 03:01 PM 9/13/2005, James wrote:
> > (quoting JohnB)
> > > transhumanist camps - 'socialist' WTA and
> > > 'libertarian' ExI -
> >
> > Just to point out again:
> >
> > 1) Neither organization defines itself
> > ExI now specifically disavows libertarianism.
> "Disavows" is not the best word to use.  It is true,
> however, that ExI is now aggressively pursuing and
> dealing with unhealthy misinformation that 
> has been used against it to position it politically.

Folks, say what you will. I can only call 'em as I see
'em, and to me the proof's in the mail traffic. I have
seen very little about the problems of trashumanism
within socialism from WTA, and (until recently) very
little about the problems of transhumanism within
libertarianism from ExI. 

Instead, I *do* see a lot of advocacy for policies
that fit into the stereotypes regarding each
organization. Typically - from what I've seen - the
WTA is behind large gov't solutions and ExI behind
'free market' solutions. Oversimplifying a bit, but in
general, there's a pretty clear trend - still in my

Honestly, these organizations are yours. If your
organizations like a libertarian or socialist slant to
transhumanistic thought, by all means go for it. If
not, not.

I'm just asking, still as an interested third-party,
that you refrain from taking potshots back and forth.

Discuss? Please do! Concepts tend to grow better the
further they get distributed. But that's discussion,
looking for solutions together, not stabbing the other
guy in the back.

John B.

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