[extropy-chat] what other "X-prizes" have been started ?
reason at longevitymeme.org
Tue Sep 20 04:05:42 UTC 2005
--> Russell Wallace
>>On 9/20/05, Reason <reason at longevitymeme.org> wrote:
>>The Methuselah Mouse Prize - now the Mprize - is doing well. See:
>That looks good except that it doesn't seem to disallow calorie
>restriction? (CR is an easy way to prolong life in animals, but
><understatement of the month> it has been extensively tried in
>humans </understatement of the month> and does little or nothing
>to prolong lifespan - unsurprisingly when you think about it -
>so won't that short-circuit the prize?)
>From the guidelines page:
The goal of capturing the imagination of the public is best achieved by a
very simple prize structure, in which money is awarded simply to the
producer of the world's oldest ever mouse. This should be restricted to the
species used in virtually all laboratory work, Mus musculus, but no other
restrictions should be placed on the way in which the mouse's lifespan is
extended, except for ones that fail to maintain its cognitive and/or
physical well-being.
You can calorie restrict all you like providing the mice remain in a state
of well-being and you follow the other organizational rules - the current
Rejuvenation Prize holder used CR. See:
The prize seeks to have no say over how scientists achieve the end goal;
this maximises inventiveness.
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