[extropy-chat] Nuke the Great Satan
kevin at kevinfreels.com
Tue Sep 20 17:51:19 UTC 2005
OK. I am done with this. Obviously you see no difference between legal and
illegal immigration.
Coming in the front door vs sneaking in. Maybe I should just drop in your
house sometime and invite myself in?
Am I free to anything you have? Take all the food I want because I am
hungry? Is it really mine to take? Are you really free and open to anyone
coming into your home at any time and taking anything you have without even
having the common decency to knock? If I go to your front door and find it
locked, does it make it OK if I find my way in through a window?
I am not xenophobic or nationalistic. I have said it over and over - AS FAR
need to use the front door.
Why do you keep approaching this as an immigration issue? Why do you assume
that I don;t want people to enter the country? I have said nothing along
those lines. Nor, as Jack suggested, have I put forth a point of attacking
people before they break the law. I see you handily avoided the fact that
you did not sneak into the US across the border.
This is a serious subject. The greatest threat to US national security at
the moment is the Mexican border. It needs to be shut down. The immigration
policy needs to be revised so that "starving" people who want in can come in
through the front door. I am all for giving them jobs. Growth can;t happen
with the stagnant population numbers in the US. We NEED immigrants more than
I think anyone wants to admit.
So let me say it again so it is clear to those who seem to have missed this
DOOR!. OK. Get it? Do I need to repeat it again? What is nationalistic or
xenophobic about that? Everyone should be allowed in. EVERYONE. One more
time...>EVERYONE. Got it?
But they should use the front door. There would be no reason for anyone to
cross illegally IF all could come in this way. Those who refuse to use the
free and OPEN front door method and instead CHOOSE to enter elsewhere must
have some reason to do so. Hmmm. What could it be? Too poor to go the free
route and have to pay someone to smuggle me? I don't think so.
I admit, I made a mistake in the original post by assuming that everyone
would know that I want a vast change in immigration law that would allow
everyone in the front door. But I corrected that in subsequent posts. I have
no idea why you keep bringing this up as an immigration issue as if I
somehow want to keep foreigners out.
It's rather simple. If people can drive truckloads of people over the
border. They can drive truckloads of explosives and nukes.
But that seems to be OK with you. You would rather keep the screwed up
immigration policy that we have that says "it's illegal to cross our border,
but if you do, that's OK too." This is not a policy. This is a farce. How
can you expect people to abide by the law when they are taught at t he very
beginning that it is OK to break the law?
I have a new and exciting idea. Since everyone here is so fond of applying
civil laws to this topic, let's do the reverse. The next time someone breaks
into your house, you must feed them and give them whatever they want. You
can push them out the door, but don;t hurt them. It doesn;t matter who they
are. They have a right to do whatever the hell they want to do. That house
wall...it is meaningless. If you lock the door but they find their way in
the window, that's OK. If they come back, you can push them out again. The
next time you leave, you may find them in your kitchen eating your food when
you return. That's OK too. Just push them out the door. Remind them that it
is illegal - every time they do it. That is now your policy for your
----- Original Message -----
From: "Amara Graps" <amara at amara.com>
To: <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 12:14 AM
Subject: [extropy-chat] Nuke the Great Satan
> Kevin Freels:
> >Your situation is one of a failure of a policy which stinks to
> >begin with.
> Italy's situation is _exactly_ what the US Government is headed for
> with very few changes. You can look look to a 'policy which stinks
> to begin with' to see where attitudes like the the Bush
> administration (and your's) will land. A xenophobic, nationalistic,
> paranoiaic immigration policy that will sink the country in a
> myriad of ways. Just watch.
> Amara
> --
> Amara Graps, PhD
> Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario (IFSI)
> Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF),
> Adjunct Assistant Professor Astronomy, AUR,
> Roma, ITALIA Amara.Graps at ifsi.rm.cnr.it
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