[extropy-chat] Nuke the Great Satan
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 21 16:40:23 UTC 2005
--- Jack Parkinson <isthatyoujack at icqmail.com> wrote:
> Kevin said...
> This is a serious subject. The greatest threat to US national
> security at
> the moment is the Mexican border. It needs to be shut down...
> Security walls have a long and pretty inglorious history. The Great
> Wall of China couldn't stop the Mongol hordes, Hadrian's Wall didn't
> stop the Scots tribes, The Berlin Wall would have to considered as a
> failure... And the 'Iron Curtain' failed to do the job too...
> I would also predict a short, unhappy future for the wall Israel is
> building... would the Mexico Wall fare any better? I doubt it.
Actually, the Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall worked pretty well for
most of the Cold War. It certainly kept most all eastern europeans from
escaping, such that by the 70's, defections were rare things. Hadrians
Wall worked pretty well too at what it was intended for: regulating
trade and migration, not defending against invaders.
Nobody expects a wall to last forever, assuming it should and calling
its failure at that unrealistic assumption to define the whole idea as
a failure is a fraud.
> Europeans do not generally agonise about their stroll-through
> borders: Why should the US? If you have no objections to the people
> being there anyway - just make the 'back door' the 'front door!'
European borders are only stroll through to those already in europe,
just as the borders between the US states are stroll-through, they are
quite closed to outsiders who do not work within the established
immigration systems. The strollers are already generally vetted by the
society as assimilated, or at least assumed as such. I don't mind my
neighbors walking across my property. I do mind a total stranger coming
in and setting up camp in my back yard. He's likely to see the butt-end
of a gun.
Once again, european countries have far tighter immigration
restrictions against non-europeans than the US does. Its why our legal
immigration rates are far higher (we take in more than the rest of the
world combined). We don't mind the legal immigration, its the illegal
stuff that is out of control. Mind your own store.
Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
Founder, Constitution Park Foundation:
Personal/political blog: http://intlib.blogspot.com
Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
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