[extropy-chat] i don't laugh at peasants anymore

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 25 01:34:51 UTC 2005

--- Al Brooks <kerry_prez at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Mike, Nietzsche wrote "there are rational reasons for abandoning
> rationalism". A peasant may be ignorant yet may be wiser than a po'
> fessor; a brain damaged wino lying on the grass may be wiser than a
> doctor (and I may be cynical however a cynic may always remain a
> cynic yet may not always be unwise).

The common sense of experience is a form of wisdom. It is not always
right, just most of the time. It is generally stasis-oriented, though,
depending on things remaining as they always were.

>  Intellectuals have many aspects including tricksterism, you can see
> right away one reason-- teaching transgendered ethnic studies at
> University of Basketweaving doesn't get you black lung disease nor
> does teaching at UB get you dishpan hands from being a dish engineer
> at University of Pancake House. You're the one poster here who
> comprehends this fully.

Thanks, I think.

> At any rate what's important is to think one is going be immortal yet
> prepare in case things don't go your way. If your GP says "I'm
> terribly sorry, but I'm going to have to refer you to an oncologist,
> don't you want a default mindset readied? Worse, if you're get in a
> life threatening accident, wouldn't you then want to have prepared
> yourself for the worst case?

Under what circumstances? Present day or in the future? I'm always a
fan of preparedness, but you should, as Robin Hanson recommends, focus
in all risks in order of their likelihood (something even I don't do
enough of). Exercise, good eating, supplement maintenance, health
relationships and activities are good strategies that anyone who wants
to live forever and doesn't expect the nano-santa any time soon.

We find, though, that as risks are mitigated by health care, wealth,
adequate food, sanitation, housing, employment, education, etc, humans
still find new risks to deliberately engage in: smoking, drugs,
promiscuous sex, and junk food are all risk activities as much as base
jumping, bungee dropping, hang gliding, motorcycle riding, they just
take less energy to engage in.

All the stuff you need to do to be guaranteed to live a long time lead
to a pretty staid life. All the fun stuff is supposed to be bad for
you. Comments that the future is going to be boring, or at least full
of worry warts, are not without credence.

Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
Founder, Constitution Park Foundation:
Personal/political blog: http://intlib.blogspot.com

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