[extropy-chat] codes in scam letters
kevin at kevinfreels.com
Tue Sep 27 00:35:59 UTC 2005
A huge amount of spam is trapped at the ISP level before getting to the
consumer, so I doubt this would be an effective way to send code to
terrorists. They would be better served sending genuine personal messages
that are coded with one-time cyphers.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Clemmensen" <dgc at cox.net>
To: "ExI chat list" <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: [extropy-chat] codes in scam letters
> Actually, the 411 scam letters are not as good as other SPAM for sending
> codes. The more standard fake Rolex, Viagra, mortgage, and porn spam is
> better fro this, because it generally included a large amount of
> quasi-random text that is added to foil simple SPAM filters. By
> replacing the random text with codes that look like random text, your
> messages will look like SPAM. You still hide the recipient by sending
> the message to thousands of randomly=selected additional recipients. You
> hide the sender by using zombies, just like a spammer.
> The really neat part of this is that we might be able to get the
> government to actually intervene and stop SPAM. All we need to do is
> present it as a real "terrorist threat." Then, It is our patriotic duty
> to stop those criminally-negligent people who unwittingly aid and abet
> the evil terrorists. These traitorous, criminally negligent entities
> include Microsoft.
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