[extropy-chat] Blog spam
Brian Lee
brian_a_lee at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 27 13:28:20 UTC 2005
I don't think it's so much a symptom of blogger.com accounts, just any blog
that has decent traffic or other sites link to legitimately get put on the
spammers' lists. Then they just monitor the RSS feed and comment every time
there's a new post.
You might slow them down by using a non-blogger comment posting system that
their bots aren't familiar with (yet).
>From: Emlyn <emlynoregan at gmail.com>
>To: ExI chat list <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
>Subject: Re: [extropy-chat] Blog spam
>Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 16:29:20 +0930
>On 27/09/05, Brian Atkins <brian at posthuman.com> wrote:
> > Since the blogspam is mostly automated, moving to a different host will
> > solve it. All blogs suffer from this.
>But wait, surely this requires a bot to parse the page and submit
>comments using whatever (non-standard) mechanisms are provided by the
>particular blogging software used? In that case, an obscure provider
>might be just the ticket. It's worth the effort working out how to
>target blogger.com pages with spam, but maybe less so with
>goddamnedobscureblogsthatnobodyusesverymuch.com ( <- this isn't real
>btw )
> > Some solutions are:
> >
> > 1. Eliminate comments permanently.
>Might be the solution :-(
> >
> > 2. Moderate all comments. Can be partially automated by only requiring
> > moderation of comments that have links in them.
> >
>That sounds good, the partial moderation.
> > 3. Require a CAPTCHA in combination with user login for comments. Will
> > eliminate the few human spammers out there.
> >
>A few human spammers is fine. When they can't automate their work,
>it's not a big problem.
> > 4. Some newer blog software is incorporating Bayesian comment filtering.
>Yes that sounds cool.
>Now I've just got to find a decent host (setting up my own stuff is a
>last resort, too much virtual housework).
>http://emlynoregan.com * blogs * music * software *
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