[extropy-chat] brains, everything else, natural

spike spike66 at comcast.net
Sat Apr 15 18:40:42 UTC 2006

> bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of John K Clark
> Subject: Re: [extropy-chat] Singularity Drugs
> Even after 4 billion years of effort Evolution never came up with
> supersonic
> flight, or plants that produce light, or a wheel you could see without a
> microscope, or even fire. Evolution is a lousy inventor, it's just that
> until is stumbled upon brains it was the only inventor...  John K Clark

Ja, but of course brains evolved, so every product of the brain would need
to be considered natural.  In that sense, an unnatural act would truly be
that which is physically impossible to perform.

Consider non-human species use of technology.  My folks' ranch: beaver
family built a dam in the stream that goes thru the property, awww isn't
that cute, perhaps they will have baby beavers, how sweeeeet.  Then last
month all those rains came down, water rose, branches floated down the
stream, got caught on the beaver dam, brand new pump house flooded, now they
want to introduce the furry bastards to Mister Twelve Gage and his nephew

Is the beaver dam natural?  Kinda sorta?  If so, then the pump house is
natural too.  Tearing the beaver dam out of there is also natural, as is the
natural grappling hook and a natural John Deere Diesel tractor.


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