[extropy-chat] Email is for the old folk now
Joseph Bloch
transhumanist at goldenfuture.net
Sat Aug 5 02:37:12 UTC 2006
Forgive an old Grognard like me, but how the hell do they stay in
business if they don't charge anything?
Amara D. Angelica wrote:
>Hi, Eugen. It's a bit hard to explain, in this old-timer medium, what it's
>like to be in *real* real time :) . For me, using Skype, and other real-time
>tools, is similar to the exhilaration I felt when I first used email (in the
>70s on Arpanet) and "computer conferencing" instead of letters and meetings,
>and when I first browsed the Web in 1993 instead of libraries. Wow! I mostly
>use Skype in text chat mode (which is self-archiving, but not via Google
>Desktop Search yet, and there's no spam, btw), jumping to simultaneous voice
>when needed, or video cam, or an instant voice conference call, or sending
>files, or doing a Skypecast to 100 people, etc. (I just started using Dragon
>NaturallySpeaking 9 Preferred, so I can create text at high speed right into
>the Skype window). Skype allows me to work at home transparently,
>"megatasking" (as I see the next step beyond wimpy multitasking) multiple
>projects at random hours of the night with people around the world on tight
>deadlines. That was formerly impossible for me to do with emails, which can
>take hours for people to respond to and don't allow for quickly dealing with
>problems interactively or spontaneous communication from a distance. Not
>sure how the Whorfian hypothesis fits in (it's probably true: emoticons and
>text abbreviations change how u think, if that's what u mean -- it seems to
>speed things up) or how I'm playing with fire, but it's sure a lot of fun!
>-----Original Message-----
>From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org
>[mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of Eugen Leitl
>Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 3:58 PM
>To: amaraa at gmail.com; ExI chat list
>Subject: Re: [extropy-chat] Email is for the old folk now
>On Fri, Aug 04, 2006 at 02:50:39AM -0400, Amara D. Angelica wrote:
>>Emlyn, great to find another "real-timer," I like to call us. It's
>If you email is not realtime, you're doing it wrong(tm). The advantage of an
>email exchange over an reflector vs. IM is that 1) you don't see the other
>party type 2) messages arrive <1 s
>3) there's spam filtering 4) it's self-archived, in a web/world visible
>format 5) I get to used my favourite text editor
>6) quite a few other things.
>I can type almost as fast as I can talk, and I don't get to keep searchable
>transcripts of audio, not quite yet. Emlyns other points are all very good.
>>increasingly difficult for me to relate to the "old-timers" (email
>>users) and have to spell out words - have you noticed? Skype me at
>I'm not buying Sapir-Whorf for a moment, but you're playing with fire there.
>>any time. - AA
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