[extropy-chat] Still confused:)

Daniel Wolfson naogrist at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 30 09:44:02 UTC 2006

To explain the difference I will make a single
statement definition of what a Tranhumanist is, what
an Extropian is and what a Singulatarian is.

Tranhumanists are people who believe technology can
help us transcend our limitations and that that is
desirable. Extropians are transhumanists who believe
in the Principles of Extropy. Singulatarians believe
in the probability and desirability of the
Singularity, the predicted future event believed to
precede immense technological progress in an
unprecedentedly brief time.

So the point is one can be a tranhumanist, extropian,
and singulitarian at the same time, but not all
transhumanists are extropians, not all extropians are
singulitarians, and not all singulitarians are

I don't know the differences between this list and SL4

--- Anna Taylor <femmechakra at gmail.com> wrote:

> I would like to know what are the significant
> differences between the
> Extropian chat list and the Sl4 list?
> or
> What are the differences between believing in the
> Singularity and
> being an Extropian or Transhumanist?
> Just curious
> Anna:)
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