[extropy-chat] Human Machinations

Keith Henson hkhenson at rogers.com
Sat Feb 11 03:06:29 UTC 2006

At 07:33 PM 2/9/2006 -0800, you wrote:
>More dangerous than the Cold War era? you can't prove that.

No, but an EP based theory strongly suggests it.

>The danger of a large conflagration of course is a nagging worry as it was 
>from 1947- ' 89, but also worrisome is a drawn-out struggle continuing 
>longer than the forty years of the Cold War, which could bankrupt America 
>in the same way the Soviet Union was bankrupted.
>And what is the current war? It is a culture war writ on global scale: 
>we're attempting to impose our commercial values on Islam, and many 
>Islamics want to impose their religious values on us.
> > They certainly are. Can you say why these times are dangerous and times
> >10, 20 or 50 years ago were less dangerous?
Just considering the Islamics, why now and not years ago?

Keith Henson

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