[extropy-chat] Bad idea, was Transhumanism as Religion

spike spike66 at comcast.net
Sat Feb 18 18:17:57 UTC 2006

> bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of Keith Henson
> ...If list people could keep it at a theory level, we could
> discuss the historical religions along this axis, extending to ones that
> don't try to spread horizontally.
> Keith Henson

I am interested in what Keith has to say on this, and evolution knows he has
had a front row seat on it.  Do let us proceed thus:

1.  No promoting cults here.  Promote science and reason.

2.  Commentary on cults, human interaction therein, welcome.

3.  Don't feel compelled to answer everything.

4.  Don't be evil.  Even if profitable.  

5.  Be smart.


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