[extropy-chat] FWD (UFO UpDate) Edison's 'Conquest Of Mars'
Terry W. Colvin
fortean1 at mindspring.com
Tue Jan 10 05:06:48 UTC 2006
From: Nick Balaskas <Nikolaos at YorkU.CA>
To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <ufoupdates at virtuallystrange.net>
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 11:45:33 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
Subject: Edison's 'Conquest Of Mars'
Hi Everyone!
I got to hear and meet with Robert Godwin, publisher of Apogee
Books, when he gave a talk last Wednesday to the members of the
Toronto Centre of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada at
the Ontario Science Centre last Wednesday.
Godwin gave many examples of long forgotten works of science
fiction and scientific speculations by astronomers from the late
19th and early 20th centuries that not only directly influenced
many of the space scientists and engineers of this generation
that got us to the Moon and shaped our ideas about Mars but who
also played a part in creating our present beliefs about aliens
and UFOs.
Many of us are familiar with H.G. Wells 1897 'War of the World'
that created panic when it was first broadcast on radio in 1938
and later popularized in several films, including Steven
Spielberg's version that was in the cinemas last summer, but few
know that the Hearst publishing empire commissioned a sequel in
1898 called 'Edison's Conquest of Mars' that was serialized in
their many newspapers. In this sequel, an armada of manmade
cigar shaped UFOs were built and first test flown to the Moon
before this 19th century international financed human invasion
of Mars was launched from Earth (sounds familiar?). Now for the
first time a book version of this sequel is now available by
Apogee Books, the Canadian based space publishing company. Can
Spielberg's sequel 'War of the Worlds 2' where it is our turn to
kick some Martian butt be in the works too (a few years ago I
had fun playing a soldier who gets killed chasing the Martians
through the woods in the movie pilot of the short lived TV
series 'War of the Worlds').
Although Godwin's talk seemed to convince his audience that our
science fiction and human creative ingenuity of the past can
account for the rash of flying saucer sightings of the present
and he also dismissed the Roswell UFO crash as nonsense, when I
approached him after his talk to get him to sign my copy off
'Mars, The NASA Mission Reports' he was startled when I stated
that I believed that some UFOs are real and not from Earth. I
also reminded Godwin about the astronaut post flight debriefings
reproduced in his three volume set on Apollo 11 that describe an
unexplained UFO sighting in space made by these astronauts which
he himself discussed on Errol Bruce-Knapp's 'Strange Days...
Indeed' show 171 four years earlier!
I encourage all of you to check out Godwin's other excellent and
unique Apogee books on manned space flight and view the rare
footage in the CDs/DVDs that accompany them which will allow you
to relive many amazing and incredible moments in human space
flight or to discover them for the first time.
Godwin has visited many of NASA's facilities where he has seen
valuable documents thought to have been lost or destroyed
(including a room the size of the auditorium he spoke at which
contained all the technical records of the Saturn V, the world's
largest and most successful rocket which, if production was not
cancelled, could have been used to place all the parts for the
International Space Station into orbit in a couple of launches)
and talked with many of the its past and present astronauts and
employees, including Werner von Braun's right-hand man Ernst
Stuhlinger and many other still living Project Paperclip space
scientists from Nazi Germany who I know have a lot of important
but still untold stories about space - and UFOs - that Godwin is
unaware of and would be very surprised to learn about.
Nick Balaskas
"Only a zit on the wart on the heinie of progress." Copyright 1992, Frank Rice
Terry W. Colvin, Sierra Vista, Arizona (USA) < fortean1 at mindspring.com >
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