[extropy-chat] Books: Harris; Religion and Reason
Samantha Atkins
sjatkins at mac.com
Tue Jan 10 23:32:15 UTC 2006
On Jan 9, 2006, at 5:18 PM, Robert Bradbury wrote:
> Ok, lets see if I can keep this at an elevated level.
As opposed to?
> If there are those who would like to support my renomination to the
> ExI Board based on the platform that all information as is feasible
> should be preserved and that the execution of programs which seek
> to destroy information without a substantive argument that such
> information is worthless ( i.e. a legitimate reason to erase
> information rather than simply an unjustified assertion that one
> religion is right and another is wrong) should be terminated, I
> would be willing to accept such a nomination. Note carefully, that
> I am *not* saying that the information potentially contained in
> external programs should be erased ( e.g. current forms of capital
> punishment) -- I am simply saying that the execution of programs
> that would intentionally erase information without a really good
> (proven) reason should cease execution.
I don't think positioning on "information" is particularly clear and
therefore not a good platform. How would this "cease execution" be
implemented? I wouldn't want to see a board member advocating nuking
Iran, for instance or doing a Pat Robertson advocacy of assassinating
people like Pat Robertson.
> So, in some respects, I am throwing my glove down to the ExI
> board. Either you *are* or you are *not* extropic. Harris has, in
> my mind, outlined the problems with being a "tolerant" extropian.
While I have less and less tolerance for a lot of imho brain damaged
and brain damaging notions, beliefs and practices, I am not
altogether comfortable with hardline pronouncements about who and
what is and is not extropic from you or any other supposed
authority. Discussions about such are fine though.
> The problem with that is that it means transhumanism rules and
> extropianism falls. In transhumansism (using its most basic
> definitions) there is no moral compass. One can become transhuman
> along many vectors, some good, some bad. With extropianism, there
> is at least some guideline -- more information is good, information
> destruction (entropy) is bad, allowing (or worse enabling) the
> destruction of information is bad, etc.. This leads to the
> questions of what paths will generate the most "good" information
> the soonest (perhaps with the minimal destruction of *perceived*
> less useful information) and how does one deal with entirely
> unexplored paths (where the information gain may have positive,
> neutral or negative consequences).
Perhaps in seeking elevated style you have become too abstract to
make your meaning clear. Please say more.
- samantha
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